What is the full form of CC in BIKE, meaning 100cc-150cc?
When we speak in the official language, "CC" means carbon copy. In the official language, it is also called a copy. That is, another copy of any documents. Now the question arises, what is the full form of CC in the case of BIKE. What does a 100cc bike or a 150cc bike mean? Doesn't 100cc mean it's the 100th example of the original bike? let's try to find out
Mr. Mohan Kumar, Managing Director of Khaitan Foundation, is very fond of cycling. So they have good information. Mohan explained that all bicycles have an internal combustion engine (an engine that is powered by a mixture of living gas or vaporized oil or gasoline and the friction of air in a cylinder). In Hindi, it is called "internal combustion engine". All play depends on engine and piston size. The unit of measurement for piston circumference, known as circularity, is called CC (cubic centimeters)
.What is the full form of CC for BIKE?
Everyone knows the Hero Splendor bike. The Splendor is also known as a 110cc bike because of the 97.2cc piston roundness. That's why it's called around 100cc. On any other bike, if the piston size or number changes, so does the CC. A bicycle with 4 pistons is called a 400cc bicycle. In general, the price of a bike depends on the motor rather than the design.
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